How to make Copper Plated Quarters

In a previous video, I showed you how to make a mini forge where you could heat metal for all kinds of weekend projects. Well, in this video, I’m going to show you how to use it for a fun science experiment. So go ahead and fire it up! Using some long pliers, take a […]
How to make a homemade Mini Forge

Making a homemade Mini Forge (sometimes called a firebrick forge) can be a great way to make jewelry and other objects at home, or to heat and bend small pieces of metal to make something like a knife. You can also use a Mini Forge to make and stamp coins. How to make a Homemade […]
How to make homemade Smoke Bombs
To make our smoke bombs we first need to make the casings. Start by measuring out some two inch sections of cardboard wrapping paper tube, and then cut them out carefully with a razor knife, trying to make the cuts as straight as possible. We’re going to reinforce these tubes. Using the prototype barrel from […]
How to make a Hobo Stove (Soda Can Stove)
Making a Soda Can Stove (Hobo Stove) If The Walking Dead comes true we’re all going to be in for a world of hurt. The Walkers aka Zombies might actually be the least of your worries. In fact, they might not be a problem at all with a sharp knife to take them out. What […]
How to make a Cardboard Rocket Rifle
[button link=”” type=”big”] Download the Cardboard Rocket Rifle Plans Here[/button] In a previous video, I showed you how to make a PVC rifle that can blow holes through plywood decking. Well, some of my viewers asked if it could be converted to something a little more family friendly. Well, the answer to that question is […]
How to make a Penny Battery
In a previous article, I showed you how to make a battery out of a potato. What we learned is that the potato doesn’t make the electricity, but rather a chemical reaction between the copper and zinc do, and all they need is an electrolyte between them. In this tutorial we’re going to learn how […]
How to make a Potato Battery
Making a potato battery is a great learning exercise that everyone getting into electronics should investigate! A potato battery is one of the first science experiments most school children do. It’s a great way to explain how batteries work and how the fundamentals of batteries and electrolytes work with electrodes in the creation of electricity. […]
How to Make an Oozing Faucet Nightlight
The parts list for this and other projects can be found at In order to make the faucet appear to be oozing, we need to remove the rubber section from our pacifier. I first tried cutting it with a pair of dikes, but that didn’t work very well. However, I realized simply squeezing the […]