Using a 555 Timer in Monostable Mode

In this tutorial we’re going to learn about using a 555 timer in monostable mode, but first a little history is in order! Without a doubt the 555 timer is one of the most common, if not the most common integrated circuits used on electronics over the last 45+ years. First entering production in 1971 […]
Using a 555 Timer in Astable Mode

In this tutorial we’re going to learn about using a 555 timer in astable mode. We’ve talked about the longevity of the venerable 555 timer and how its been around for almost 50 years at the time of this writing. It’s an incredibly versatile little integrated circuit with many fantastic uses. In this tutorial we’ll […]
Using a 555 Timer in Bistable Mode
In this tutorial we’re going to learn about using a 555 timer in bistable mode. As mentioned in our monostable 555 timer tutorial, these timers have been around almost 50 years, being released in 1971! And still today they make a perfect timer for hobbyist and DIY projects as they affordable and simple to understand. […]