Adding a Fan to your Arcade Cabinet

While I’ve been pretty clear that I don’t really see the need for a fan in a Raspberry Pi Arcade cabinet, so many of you believe its better to be safe than sorry! The good news, adding a fan is incredibly easy and all of my arcade plans now include a drilling template for adding […]
Adding USB Ports to your Arcade Cabinet

USB ports to your arcade cabinet can all kinds of advantages! It allows you to add an assortment of USB controllers (NES, Atari, XBOX, etc.), plug in a mouse and a keyboard for maintenance purposes, or a USB stick for transferring games. I’ve added the templates for the USB ports to all of my plans. […]
Make the Pacade (Bartop Retropie Arcade Cabinet)
About a year ago, I introduced my Bartop Arcade Cabinet Build. It was a big hit and I got so much great feedback from you guys! You guys really are the best audience ever. Well, today I’ve taken almost a years worth of feedback and used that to design and release an all new version […]