The Best Jigsaws for Woodworking

When I was younger I used my father’s jigsaw a lot. I remember it well. It was Black & Decker model from the late 1970s or early 1980s and it was total junk. I remembered thinking the jigsaw was one of the worst performing tool ever made. What I didn’t realize is that jigsaws are […]
4 Glues Every Workshop Should Have
Glues are used in just about every workshop. Let’s talk about 4 glues every workshop should have! A visit to the local home improvement center will send you on your way with madness being unable to decide which glue to buy. The truth is, most of the glues on the shelf are all marketing. In […]
Which Dust Mask for Woodworking?
Dust collection for your shop is extremely important and shouldn’t be an afterthought. But even the best dust collection systems are not enough. You need protection for the loose dust that will inevitably make it into the air around you. The last thing you want is that dust making it into your lungs. There are […]