The Best Benchtop Power Supplies for Hobbyists (Updated for 2022)

In this buyer’s guide we’re going to talk about the current best benchtop power supplies for 2021. Every home electronics enthusiast should have one! They make the hobby more enjoyable and provide a quick way to power not only your projects, but to test equipment and circuits when you suspect the power source is flaky […]
The Best Multimeters (Updated for 2022)
In this article we’re going to cover multimeters! We’ll talk about how to use them to measure voltage, current, resistance, and continuity. We’ll go over what to look for in a multimeter, where to buy one, and give you our picks for the best multimeters you can buy. Deciding Which Multimeter to Buy? In today’s […]
Best Oscilloscope for Hobbyists and Home Users (Updated for 2021)
The Best Speaker Wire
The debate of cables and wires for home audio and video has raged on for decades. It got really heated a few years ago when Monster Cable started selling cables at 2X to 100X the price of other cables. This makes it really difficult to determine which is the best speaker wire for your system. […]