PC vs Raspberry Pi for Arcades

We get a lot of questions through our comments, feedback pages, and emails every single day. One of those questions is “Should I pick a PC or a Rasbperry Pi for my arcade build?” It’s really not surprising that the PC vs Raspberry Pi debate is a long running one, and like many debates some […]
Drilling your Arcade Speakers, the Right Way

All of The Geek Pub plans coming with drilling templates. These templates make it super easy to drill out the holes for many of the components. In this case, the speaker holes. However, there are some tips and tricks that will make you drilling job go from average to looking like it came off of […]
Backboring Arcade Controls
When using smaller 24mm arcade buttons, it can be an exercise in frustration when using 3/4″ material. The material of choice for most arcade cabinets. The problem is that the 24mm buttons are just not quite long enough to allow the bottom nut to screw on in some of these cases. There’s good news though. […]
Adding a Fan to your Arcade Cabinet
While I’ve been pretty clear that I don’t really see the need for a fan in a Raspberry Pi Arcade cabinet, so many of you believe its better to be safe than sorry! The good news, adding a fan is incredibly easy and all of my arcade plans now include a drilling template for adding […]
Adding USB Ports to your Arcade Cabinet
USB ports to your arcade cabinet can all kinds of advantages! It allows you to add an assortment of USB controllers (NES, Atari, XBOX, etc.), plug in a mouse and a keyboard for maintenance purposes, or a USB stick for transferring games. I’ve added the templates for the USB ports to all of my plans. […]
T-Molding Tips & Tricks
T-Molding is fantastic for that awesome retro look! Especially when it comes to building arcades! If you want your arcade or other project to scream 1980’s, just wrap it with a little T-Molding. That being said, T-Molding is not as easy it might sound, unless you know the tips and tricks of installing it! T-Molding […]
Why I Use Filler Primer
Filler Primer is one of those things that once you learn about it you’ll wonder why you never used it before! Filler primer is a thicker primer that fills in scratches and uneven surfaces before painting. It’s perfect for places like the cut edges of MDF and plywood. Once filled and sanded it will be […]
Wiring the Coin Mech
Most coin mechanisms operate on the same principles as the buttons and the joysticks. Once the coin passes through the mechanism successfully, the coin triggers a micro-switch as it exits the coin mech and falls into the coin tray. For coin mechs that have two quarter slots (or quarter and token) there are two micro-switches. […]
Connecting Arcade Controls to the Pi
To connect the arcade controls to the Pi (or your PC) you’re going to need a USB encoder. These encoders convert the presses of the buttons into keystrokes on an keyboard that MAME and other emulators can understand. Read More… Join The Geek Pub Guild!
Reverse Sanwa LED Operation
Some prefer their arcade buttons to light on press, while other prefer them to be always on. Reversing the LED operation on the Sanwa Arcade buttons is relatively simple.