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Install a Hidden Wall Safe

Have you ever wanted to install a hidden wall safe? Every home should have at least one. A safe is a great place to keep valuables that burglars are after during a home burglary. Safes come in all varieties of shapes and sizes, and you can find one for almost any application.  One of my […]

Installing a 19″ Network Rack (at home)

Home Network Rack

The story of installing a home network rack in our house is a great one, but first you need to know the backstory! When we built our new home a year ago (we started it in 2013) one of the things that was very important to me was that the home was designed with structured […]

Make a Lowrider Skateboard

Every kid wants a skateboard, but not every kid wants a slammed, lowrider skateboard! Recently my youngest was in the garage working on his skateboards, and the next thing I know he comes in the house with a slammed, lowrider skateboard he made out of a regular board by putting the trucks on the top […]

Use Siri to Control Nest, MyQ, HomeSeer, etc.

A lot of people want to use Siri to control Nest, HomeSeer, or other automation systems. Apple created a product suite called HomeKit that allows just this type of interaction to happen. However, as of yet not very many app developers or manufacturers have added this functionality to their applications or hardware. Once enabled you […]

Setting up RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 3

This is without a doubt the most requested video/article in the history of The Geek Pub. No seriously. Each of the arcade cabinet videos and my inbox is littered with people asking me to do a video on installing the hardware and software on the inside of the cabinet. Well for those of you who […]

Build a RetroPie Bartop Arcade Cabinet

Making my retro Arcade Cabinet last summer was one of my all time favorite projects. It been one of my most popular videos ever, and many of you have sent me awesome pictures cabinets you built that were based on my arcade cabinet plans. One piece of feedback that I have gotten over and over […]

Retro Computer Display Stand for C64 and Macintosh

When I was a kid my very first computer was a Commodore VIC-20.  About a year later my parents bought us a Commodore 64 and 1541 disk drive.  These computers were a big part of my childhood memories. I played video games on these, and wrote my very first Basic programs. In fact, I even […]

Make the Ultimate Cat Tower

Every cat needs a place to call home.  But your home isn’t enough to satisfy your kitty, unless you’re OK with your cat using your personal belongings and furniture as his toys.  You’re kitty needs to be entertained.  If you don’t provide your cat with toys it will use your socks.  If you don’t provide […]

Make an Automated Butt Kicker

I recently won the Halloween Contest over at the Instructables website for my Brain of Morbius movie prop.  The awesome team over at Fright Props mailed me a prize that included a pneumatic piston, a pneumatic relay, a Pico Boo micro controller, and some other neat stuff.  At first I had no idea what I […]

Make Alphabet Blocks

Alphabet Blocks on the CNC After my Man vs. CNC project I got a lot of questions about me being “anti-CNC”. That led to me making the most recent Pub Talk entitled CNC Fail.  A lot of people really thought I had become a CNC hater.  And well, as you know that’s absolutely not the […]