The Apple 1 Case

Did you know that the Apple 1 case you see on Wikipedia is not actually the case that Jobs and Wozniak made? Indeed the Apple 1 did not come with a case at all!
Building a YouTube Studio Set
I’ve always wanted a dedicated studio room and set for the talking portions of my videos. For years I have resorted to setting my camera up in the hot garage, in my kitchen, or even just in front of my computer in my home office. Well no more! Today, The Geek Pub is building a […]
Build the Ultimate Electronics Workbench
After searching online through countless catalogs and online stores, I was unable to find an electronics workbench that really fit my needs. I’d wanted a workbench that had plenty of room not only for multiple small projects, but also to work on the occasional big project, such as a PC restoration. In fact, this needs […]
Building a USB Charger Circuit
In this project we’re going to make a USB charger circuit from some simple parts we have lying around the house. A USB charger circuit ouputs a regulated 5V that can be used to power USB devices or even charge mobile phones and other devices. We will step through this build in 4 phases of […]
Pi1541 Build
If you’re into retro-computing and have a Commodore 8-bit computer, such as the Commodore 64 or Commodore 128, you’re going to love this project! We’re going to do a Pi1541 build. The Commodore line of 8-bit computers used a disk drive called the Commodore 1541 (later the 1571 and 1581). This venerable drive is a […]
Commodore VIC-20 Clip Repair (3D Printed)
So I found a fantastic Commodore VIC-20 at a yard sale and it is absolutely gorgeous! It has Just a slight bit of yellowing that you can barely see and a few tiny scratches here and there… but other than that it is in tip top shape. Except for one thing. The clips on the […]
Full Size R2-D2 Remote Control (Raspberry Pi)
I’ve had so many people ask me how I went about building the full size R2-D2 remote control system. So today, I will take you through what I have done so far and what I plan to do in the future. When I first started my R2-D2 building adventure I read all the R2-D2 forums […]
R2-D2: Automating the Pie Panels
This update is going to be all about the R2-D2 dome build, specifically the mechanical and electronics portion for automating the pie panels. This was actually one of the most frustrating parts so far. Not because the work was all that hard, but because much of the componentry that is sold flat out does not […]
Raspberry Pi Commodore 64
I’ve built a lot of arcades and packed them with Raspberry Pi goodness over the years, but today’s project is going to be quite a bit different! We’re going to pack a Raspberry Pi running Retropie into a Commodore 64. A Raspberry Pi Commodore 64 is something that has been on my list of To-Dos […]
Repairing the Commodore PET 4016
A few episodes back on The 8-Bit guy, David restored a vintage Commodore PET Model 4016. However, he left one thing incomplete. The space bar didn’t work. Since it wound up in my museum, repairing the Commodore PET has been high on my list of things to do. It’s incredibly hard to use the thing […]