Building a Breadboard Synthesizer With a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino Uno

There’s a lazy stereotype about middle-aged men that says that all we want to do is tinker with our gadgets. I’m doing very little to challenge it, which I guess is how I came to weather the pandemic by trying to build my own Raspberry Pi synthesizer. Building a breadboard synthesizer is a fun project […]
Arduino Water Level Sensor Tutorial
In this article, we’re going to do an Arduino water level sensor tutorial. We’ll go over how to wire the sensor, how it works, and some basic code examples to get you started in your projects. This sensor is also sometimes referred to as a water leak detection sensor. Watch the Arduino Water Level Sensor […]
Arduino Knight Rider LEDs (Cylon Eye)
In this tutorial, we’re going to show how to do the most awesome Arduino Knight Rider LEDs! It’s a highly requested article after our last update on blinking a single LED we sneak peaked this and apparently, everyone wants to know more! For those who might not know, Knight Rider is a TV show from […]
Arduino: Blinking an LED
After my last video introducing the Arduino, some of you commented that you needed an example of how the Arduino works that is super simple to understand. So in this video we’re going to do the absolute simplest of projects. We’re going to be blinking an LED! Arduino: Blinking an LED Video We’ve made detailed […]
Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor Tutorial
The ultrasonic sensor is one of the most common sensors used in Arduino projects. It’s one of those must have sensors for many projects that require inputs for navigation. For example, an Arduino RC car or other robot will likely need an ultrasonic sensor to measure how close it is to a wall or other […]
Control High Voltage Devices with an Arduino
One of the best features of the Arduino is the ability to control relays. Relays allow a circuit of one voltage or current to be operated by a circuit of a different voltage or current. In the case of an Arduino that operates at either 3.3V or 5V DC, connecting a relay allows us to […]
Make an Arduino TV B-Gone
In this tutorial we’re going to make an Arduino TV B-Gone and its super simple. If you’re not familiar with a TV B-Gone, it’s a device that uses a small micro-controller to send the IR off codes for every TV make and model on the planet. This is a super handy little device to have […]
Setup an IR Remote for an Arduino
In this tutorial we will learn how to setup an IR remote for an Arduino. IR remotes can be used in your projects for all kinds of things. You can use an IR remote to turn on and off a device, LED, relay, or even use it to steer an Arduino robot or automated vehicle. […]
How to Setup a Keypad on an Arduino
In this basic tutorial we will learn how to setup a keypad on an Arduino. Keypads can be used to control access to things, such as unlocking a door or a safe. Keypads can be added to a myriad of Arduino projects, for learning, or for real world projects. In addition to controlling access to […]
R2-D2: Continuing to build an Astromech
As I continue on with my journey to build an Astromech, we’ll go down several paths. We have to paint the dome panels (the top ones are called pie panels), build the frame, mount the dome, and start on the electronics which includes some custom programming. I am going to go through things in order […]