Raspberry Pi Commodore 64

I’ve built a lot of arcades and packed them with Raspberry Pi goodness over the years, but today’s project is going to be quite a bit different! We’re going to pack a Raspberry Pi running Retropie into a Commodore 64. A Raspberry Pi Commodore 64 is something that has been on my list of To-Dos […]
How Retrobright Works!

Retrobighting (stylized Retr0bright) is a way of restoring aged plastics from the 1980s to their original color and/or appearance. Plastics from the early days of computing were all made from ABS plastic. ABS was specifically invented for the injection molding process. During this area it was typical for the ABS to be “brominated” with bromine. […]
Commodore VIC-20 Restoration – Worst Condition Ever
Rob the Obsolete Geek was traveling in Texas to a place called Canton, TX. Canton is well known for their flea market and swap meets. During this visit Rob found something of an oddity. A Commodore VIC-20 that was so utterly disgusting that he was compelled to purchase it, just to see if it was […]
Repairing the Commodore PET 4016
A few episodes back on The 8-Bit guy, David restored a vintage Commodore PET Model 4016. However, he left one thing incomplete. The space bar didn’t work. Since it wound up in my museum, repairing the Commodore PET has been high on my list of things to do. It’s incredibly hard to use the thing […]
SD2IEC Manual (How to use the SD2IEC on the C64)
I recently purchased an SD2IEC from from The Future was 8-bit. While the device is awesome, I felt the documentation was less than stellar. And that led me to put together this resource to help others who are first experimenting running SD Cards on the Commodore series of computers. I consider it the unofficial SD2IEC […]
How to Transfer Files to your Apple II, II+, or IIe
If you’re new to this whole 8-bit or retro-computing revival that is going on around us, or if you’ve just so happened upon your old Apple IIe (commonly stylized as Apple //e) while cleaning out your mother’s attic, then you might have found yourself in an interesting situation (that is assuming you want to actually […]
Nintendo NES Classic Alternatives and NES Clones
If you’ve been trying to get your hands on the Nintendo NES Classic, you’re probably in the same boat that most people are. They’re almost impossible to find, unless you’re willing to pay the outrageous price scalpers are adding on top selling them on the eBay and other online market places. Many of us have […]
Setting up RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 3
This is without a doubt the most requested video/article in the history of The Geek Pub. No seriously. Each of the arcade cabinet videos and my inbox is littered with people asking me to do a video on installing the hardware and software on the inside of the cabinet. Well for those of you who […]