Convert a String to an Integer – Arduino

The Arduino is a fantastic little piece of hardware. The little Atmega microcontroller under the hood is capable of some amazing stuff! In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to convert a string to an Integer on the Arduino! And in the case that you are using a character array, we’ll also learn how […]
Combining Two Arduino Sketches

It’s often as a beginner that you will need to learn the art (and science) of combining two Arduino sketches (code) into a single sketch. Sketches are the name Arduino calls their code or program files. It’s not as simple as copying and pasting one sketch into the other. This will fail to compile and […]
Arduino Touch Sensor Tutorial
In this tutorial we will cover the basics of the Arduino touch sensor. It’s one of the fundamental input devices available for the platform. I a touch sensor simply put senses when it comes in contact with a human, be it finger, toe, or even your nose. The touch sensor can be substituted in many […]
How to Reset an Arduino Using Code
One question I get asked regularly is just how to reset an Arduino using code. This sounds like something you should never need to do. But resetting an Arduino programmatically is most likely something you will eventually encounter in your Arduino journey! There are two basic types of resets for the Arduino (or just about […]
How to use millis Instead of Delay
Learning how to use millis instead of delay is a key principle for learning the Arduino platform. The delay() function will cause all code executing on the Arduino to come to a complete halt and it will stay halted until the delay function has completed its delay time. We often refer to the delay() function […]
How to Fade an LED with a Potentiometer: Arduino
In this Arduino tutorial, we’re going to learn the basics of how to fade an LED with a potentiometer. As you turn the knob of the potentiometer the resistance changes. The Arduino will take this readings on the connected analog pin and then software will use a PWM signal at the correct frequency to light […]
Arduino Light Sensor Triggers an LED Tutorial
In this Arduino tutorial, we’re going to make a a circuit wherein a light sensor triggers and LED to light based on the the level of light in the room. Light sensors are actually light sensitive resistors (or photoresistors). With this type of resistor, its value resistance value changes based on the amount of light […]
Arduino: Use a Motion Sensor to Sound a Piezo Buzzer
In this Arduino tutorial we’re going to learn how to use a motion sensor to sound a piezo buzzer. This is great for an intrusion detection circuit or burglar alarm circuit! Any time the motion sensor senses movement the piezo buzzer will make an audible sound. In this tutorial we will use an active piezo […]
Control a Piezo Buzzer with a Button
In this Arduino Tutorial we’re going to learn how to control a piezo buzzer with a button. Pressing a button on your breadboard will cause the piezo buzzer to sound. In this tutorial we will be using a active piezo buzzer. If you’d like to do this with a passive piezo buzzer you can find […]
Arduino Piezo Buzzer Tutorial
A piezo buzzer is a fantastic way to add feedback to users of your projects. In this Arduino piezo buzzer tutorial, we’re going to dive into the different types of piezo buzzers, how they work, how to wire them up to your Arduino, and write a sketch to control them. Before you know it, piezo […]