Tour of My Home Network (2020 Update)

About three years ago I did a tour of my home network (old tour) and it turned out to be one of my most popular articles on The Geek Pub. Being that so much has changed since then, I decided it is time to do an update tour! Stick around til the end of this […]
Controlling an Arduino from a Web Page

When I got my first Arduino the first thing I thought was “Wow! I’d love to be able to control this thing from a web page!”, but of our course I didn’t have an Ethernet shield. So recently I decided to grab a shield from Amazon and see what I could do. First things first […]
Controlling WS2812b LEDs with a Raspberry Pi
In our last article we discussed how to wire WS2812b addressable LEDs to a Raspberry Pi. Of course, just wiring them up doesn’t really do much. Not even a single LED on a WS2812b strip will light until you send it a command to do so. So in this article we will continue on with […]
Wiring WS2812b Addressable LEDs to the Raspbery Pi
I don’t know where I have been recently, but I stumbled across one of the greatest inventions of all time recently: Addressable LED strips. Addressable LED strips, sometimes known as NeoPixels, or by various numbers such as WS2812b LED strips are LED lighting strips where each individual LED can be controlled via a specialized lighting […]
Are Smart Locks Safe?
It is probably one of the most common questions I get when I tell people I have a fully enabled smart home. People are really insecure when it comes to the security of internet connected devices, especially when they involve security of your home and family. And can you blame them? There’s another website breach […]
Is Alexa Safe?
I recently gave a tour of my home network. I walked around my home and showed all of the different electronic components of my home. This included the firewalls, routers, switches, cameras, and all of the devices that get interacted with. One thing that blew up in the comments over and over was comments to […]
Tour of My Home Network (and More!)
So I have had a ton of requests over the years to give a tour of my home network. Honestly, I never gave the tour because I just didn’t think people would be that interested in what I had. Well I have had enough requests to get the idea that some of you really do […]
Use Siri to Control Nest, MyQ, HomeSeer, etc.
A lot of people want to use Siri to control Nest, HomeSeer, or other automation systems. Apple created a product suite called HomeKit that allows just this type of interaction to happen. However, as of yet not very many app developers or manufacturers have added this functionality to their applications or hardware. Once enabled you […]