Best Power Supply for Mining Cryptocurrency (updated for 2022)

When building a GPU based mining rig, our research shows there is a lot of misinformation going around that makes it difficult to decide what to purchase. This has a lot to do with the nature of mining. Its something that just about anyone with a little cash can do, if they can follow directions […]
Dallas Fort Worth Crypto-Mining: Calling DFW Miners!

If you’re looking to learn more about Dallas Fort Worth crypto-mining you’ve come to the right place. I’ve been trying to connect with other people mining crypto in DFW for a few months now with little to no luck. The Facebook groups are rarely posted on, and most of the people who are members don’t […]
4 in 1 PCIe Risers Tested and Explained
When building a GPU based mining rig you’re obviously going to need a bunch of GPUs. These GPUs will be connected to a single motherboard. That immediately becomes a problem. Most motherboards only have one or two PCIe X16 slots for installing video cards. This is why miners use PCIe riser cards. However, even then […]
Mining with a CPU (without a GPU)
When most miners think of mining, they tend to have visions of stacks of graphics cards (GPU) all lined up mining their favorite crypto-coins. It’s true, a GPUs are great at mining and you can mine lots of different coins with GPUs. But lots of new miners ask a question no one else ever dreams […]
Using Dual Power Supplies for Mining
Mining. You’re probably sick of hearing about it! But its in the news. Its on TV shows. Its all over blogs. Well, not mining specifically, but cryptocurrency. Specifically a certain type of cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. To mine bitcoins you need an ASIC powered miner. But for many other cryptocurrencies like Ethererum can be mined with GPU […]
Windows vs. Linux for Mining
I recently published several videos and articles on building and optimizing mining rigs. In both builds I used Windows. Mostly because I had never done some of these things and I knew it would be much simpler to experiment with things in Windows. I mean after all, the manufacturers of the video cards are targeting […]
Overclocking the AMD RX 580 for Mining
Mining is literally going insane! People are snapping up both GPUs for mining as well as ASIC miners faster than manufacturers can make them. This has led to explosive growth in those markets. It’s also let to a whole art and science behind overclocking these systems to make them perform better. So in this post […]
Building a Mining Rig
After the tour of my mining rig I had a lot of comments asking to do a build a video of a mining rig. So today we’re building a mining rig! I’ll walk us through some of the changes from the original mining rig and why I made them. None of the changes are really […]
Antminer Alternatives
If you didn’t already know, mining has become a booming business. Everyone and their brother it seems are getting into mining cryptocurrency. This has led to a huge demand for GPUs when mining alternative currencies and almost impossible demand for ASIC based miners for mining Bitcoin. The Antminer from Bitmain is the hands down most […]
Best Cases for Mining
If its not just crazy obvious, mining has become a big deal. There is some serious money being put into mining! Today, even some of the big clearing houses and brokerage firms are dipping their toes into cryptocurrency. Even the likes of companies like Fidelity Investments are adding Bitcoin to their websites. The rise of […]