What happened to GeekBrief TV?
Many of us tuned in this weekend to to see our favorite podcast GeekBrief TV with Cali Lewis (aka Luria Petrucci). However, we were surprised when it was missing altogether and later pointed to a new show on Revision3 called GeekBeat TV. What happened to GeekBrief? A little background. GeekBrief was created by Luria and her […]
Welcome to your new BLOATED PC!
We’ve all seen the commercial. The big bloated PC says he is full of trial software and really slows him down. What makes this commercial so humorous is that it is actually so, so true. You may have just purchased a new PC and noticed the same problem. So what do you do about it? […]
Why are There not more Women in Information Technology?
Technology is once again a field of interest for many. The latest report from 2008 showed that the number of college undergraduates in the Information Technology field had rose 8.1 percent over the previous year. With the wake of the tech bubble over, kids are looking at technology as a “cool” career move and with […]
Ameripath Quest Diagnostics are not Crooks after all
UPDATE: I received a phone call today from a very nice guy at Ameripath named Jerry. Jerry is a corporate Director at Ameripath and had read this blog entry. He said he researched the case and discovered a billing data entry error based on an ER visit I went to a week or so before […]
Parsing the Verisign Zone file with OS X
If you have access to the Verisign Zone file (Verisign TLD Zone files), and wish to extract the domain names to a text file for processing by another program, or to insert the domains into a database all you need to do is grep the file like so: For .NET domains: grep “^[a-zA-Z0-9-]\+ NS .*” […]
Defining the Role of an IT Manager
In this article, we will discuss exactly what it means to be an IT Manager. In today’s world, IT Managers can be responsible for many different areas of focus – or just one area. These areas could include Project Management, Server Administration, IT Compliance, Security, Application Development or Websites just to name a few. IT […]