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Gauntlet Arcade Artwork

This is an archive of the original Gauntlet I and II Arcade artwork for your Gauntlet cabinet restoration. Click the link(s) to download zip files.

NOTICE: To prevent bots you must be logged in to download any files other than the low resolution version!

About Gauntlet

Gauntlet I and Gauntlet II were incredible arcade games coded by Bob Flanagan and released by Atari in 1985. Gauntlet quickly became a huge hit at arcades around the world.

In Gauntlet you play either a Warrior, a Valkyrie, a Wizard, or an Elf in the colors of red, blue, yellow, and green. These characters traverse a labyrinth of dungeons and mazes killing enemy monsters.

In Gauntlet I each player character was tied to which joystick (and coin slot) you physically chose. With the release of Gauntlet II, any player could choose any character and only your color was tied to the physical joystick (and coin slot).

Gauntlet Arcade Cabinet Artwork

Gauntlet Side Panels

These are the Gauntlet I and II side panels. Choose from the following download options for your Gauntlet arcade artwork.


Gauntlet side panels provided in Jpeg format. Reminder, Jpeg compression is not lossless and and should not be used for printing!

  • Gauntlet Side Panel JPG – Low Resolution – Download
  • Gauntlet Side Panel JPG – High Resolution – Download

AI Vector Files

We don’t currently have vector files for the Gauntlet side panels in our Gauntlet arcade artwork archive. If you have a copy of these files to share with the community it would be amazing if you could contact us and share the files with us.

(We are aware of the tracing someone did in 2020, but it is not accurate enough for this arcade.)

PSD Files

Gauntlet side panels provided in Adobe Photoshop format.

  • Gauntlet Right Side Panel PSD Download
  • Gauntlet Left Side Panel PSDDownload

PDF Files

Gauntlet side panels provided in Adobe Acrobat format.

  • Gauntlet Right Side Panel PDFDownload
  • Gauntlet Left Side Panel PDF Download
Gauntlet Arcade Artwork

Gauntlet I Marquee (Cabinet Header)

This is the Gauntlet I marquee (aka cabinet header). Choose from the following download options for the Gauntlet arcade artwork.


Gauntlet marquee provided in Jpeg format. Reminder, Jpeg compression is not lossless and and should not be used for printing!

  • Gauntlet I Marquee JPG – Low Resolution – Download
  • Gauntlet I Marquee JPG – High Resolution – Download

PSD Files

Gauntlet marquee provided in Adobe Photoshop format.

PDF Files

Gauntlet marquee provided in Adobe Acrobat format.

Gauntlet Arcade Artwork Marquee Header

Gauntlet II Marquee (Cabinet Header)

This is the Gauntlet II marquee (aka cabinet header). Choose from the following download options for the Gauntlet arcade artwork.


Gauntlet II marquee provided in Jpeg format. Reminder, Jpeg compression is not lossless and and should not be used for printing!

  • Gauntlet II Marquee JPG – Low Resolution – Download
  • Gauntlet II Marquee JPG – High Resolution – Download

Vector Files

Gauntlet II marquee provided in Adobe Illustrator format.

  • Gauntlet II Marquee AI VectorDownload

PSD Files

Gauntlet II marquee provided in Adobe Photoshop format.

PDF Files

Gauntlet II marquee provided in Adobe Acrobat format.

Gauntlet II Marquee Arcade Artwork

Gauntlet I Coin Door Artwork

We don’t currently have the Gauntlet I Coin Door artwork in our Gauntlet arcade artwork archive. If you have a copy of this file to share with the community it would be amazing if you could contact us and share the files with us.

(We are aware of the low quality scan floating around.)

Gauntlet II Coin Door Artwork

This is the Gauntlet II Coin Door artwork. This overlay goes above the coin doors and differs from Gauntlet I as players in Gauntlet II can choose their character. Choose from the following download options for the Gauntlet arcade artwork.


Gauntlet II coin door artwork provided in Jpeg format. Reminder, Jpeg compression is not lossless and and should not be used for printing!

  • Gauntlet II Coin Door JPG – Low Resolution – Download
  • Gauntlet II Coin Door JPG – High Resolution – Download

PSD Files

Gauntlet coin door provided in Adobe Photoshop format.

PDF Files

Gauntlet coin door provided in Adobe Acrobat format.

Gauntlet II Coin Door Artwork.

Gauntlet Control Panel Overlay

We don’t currently have the Gauntlet I or II CPO in our Gauntlet arcade artwork archive. If you have a copy of this file to share with the community it would be amazing if you could contact us and share the files with us.

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