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25,000 Subscriber Arcade Kit Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Update: The contest is now closed and the winners have been notified via email.  An announcement will be made on a future Pub Talk episode! Stay tuned!

Twenty Five Thousands of you have have become raving fans of The Geek Pub and clicked my subscribe button on YouTube! So many of you have also followed me other social media channels such as Instagram and Twitter. Others have inspired my projects by sending me project feedback and ideas!

Well today, I want to say “Thank You!” and we’re going to celebrate this incredible 25,000 subscriber milestone with a party and a giveaway!

This is how its going to work! I am going to give away a complete Arcade Kit that you can use to make your own arcade machine! That’s right! This kit will include a Raspberry Pi 3, USB dongles, memory cards, and the Sanwa and EasyGet arcade controls including joysticks and the buttons. In addition to a free lifetime membership to The Geek Pub Guild which includes the ability to download all of my plans for free!

You heard that right, a FREE lifetime membership.

Here’s all you have to do to qualify.

First, like my page on Facebook. I post regular updates on all of my projects on Facebook. It’s a great place to see what’s coming next.

Second, follow me on Instagram. Instagram is where I post pictures of projects as I am building them. You’ll get an inside look to my projects and many things that never make it to the final video.

Third, share a link to any of my projects on another website or social media site. You can even share it to multiple websites! You can post links to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Liveleak, or even your own blog!

I’m going to count the number of shares and likes combined across all of the different sites. The person to have the most combinations of shares and likes on those shares will be the winner.

But it gets even better! There’s not going to be just one winner. There’s going to be five! That’s right, all top five sharers will all be winners and receive the complete Arcade Kit!

This contest is going to run for two weeks. At the end of the contest I will update the description of this video with a link. Use that link to tell me how many shares and likes you were able to create. After that I’ll give everyone one week to turn in their scores and then I’ll select the winners!

This prize is international so feel free to join in wherever you live! As always check-out if you need more information and thanks for being a fan of my stuff.

Update on the Arcade Kit Giveaway and FAQ

Many of you have “complained” that you don’t want to open Facebook or Instagram accounts. That’s fine. We won’t use the liking of our page as part of the scoring. So just share some of my projects on the web and keep track of where you shared them.  I’ll post a link here and on YouTube for submitting your results in two weeks.

Can I use a bot to share your links?

No. That will get you disqualified.

Can I share them on my school blog?

As long is it can be seen without a password on the public internet it counts.

How will you know someone isn’t lying about the number of shares?

I will verify every share they claim to have made. That’s why I say to keep track of where you shared my projects.

How will I know if I am a winner?

I will contact you directly via email.

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